Chicago themed events to celebrate the re bricking process will begin tomorrow night on the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville. The first event celebrating the Chicago block party is set for Thursday, night from 8-11p at the Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar. This will be the 1st Annual Tea House Flapper Ball. Come experience the history as the tea house is transformed for a night of dancing. There will also be appetizers and drink discounts for everyone dressed in flapper or zuit suit attire. ..maybe we’ll crack open the mysterious safe at midnight!!?? Friday is jazz night with John D’Earth and the
Charlottesville Swing Orchestra Quintet. This will be a Chicago’s World Fair Theme, with an adult costume contest. Saturday will include Wrigley Field type events for the whole family, including a ‘Home Run Callenge’. Don’t miss all the other events and specials throughout the week, including raffles, food and drink specials. Check the Downtown Charlottesville Website for a full listing of events.
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