We just got word about an exciting project at the Philip Carter Winery, where a Virginia artist will be chosen each year to commission a landscape painting for the label of their Falconwood white table wine. The painting will be showcased in Cleve Hall at Philip Carter Winery, and proceeds from the sale of the wine will be donated to the designated community charity, Fauquier County’s Leeds Ruritan Club. Designer Allan Guy of Manassas designed the packaging and branding for Falconwood. His Guy Studio blog has the skinny:
To quote winery owner Philip Carter Strother, “Through this label…the winery honors the people of Virginia’s northern Piedmont, whose unique culture, defined by it’s historic, rural landscape, is fondly referred to as America’s Hallowed Ground.” …This year’s painting, an oil on canvas by Andrei Kushnir, is called “Evening in the Valley” and is a view of the Carter-Strother family’s historic Valley View Farm near Paris, Virginia.
I was very excited to meet Allen Guy and see the painting this weekend at the Virgina Wine Expo. What a really nice guy, a great pairing! Thank you to the Philip Carter Winery for this meaningful project.