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May 2018
Coffee with the Curator
Join us for an informal coffee reception to celebrate NSLM’s newest exhibition, A Sporting Vision: From the Paul Mellon Collection of British Sporting Art from the VMFA. Colleen Yarger, VMFA’s Curatorial Assistant for the Mellon Collections, will greet guests and lead a tour of A Sporting Vision. Yarger served as a research specialist for the catalog which accompanies the exhibition. A Sporting Vision celebrates Paul Mellon’s gift of British sporting art to the VMFA. It also proposes a fresh look at sporting art within wider social and artistic contexts, including the scientific and industrial revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries, the transformation of the British countryside, the evolutionary history of the horse and other animals, and society’s changing habits and customs. Coffee reception in the library at 10:00am, followed by a tour of the exhibition with Colleen Yarger at 10:30am. Admission is $5, Free to NSLM members. Please register to Anne Marie Barnes, the Clarice & Robert H. Smith Educator, at ABarnes@NationalSporting.org, 540.687.6542 ext. 25
http://www.nationalsporting.orgArt in the Burg
On Saturday, May 19, 2018, the Middleburg Arts Council and the Town of Middleburg will host the fifth town-wide arts celebration, Art in the Burg. Artwork from more than 30 local and regional artists of different styles, forms and subject matter will be on display on Madison Street (next to King Street Oyster Bar), from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Celebrating Middleburg as an arts destination, Art in the Burg, will also feature music by The Crooked Angels.
During this celebration of the arts, visitors will have the opportunity to purchase art, talk with the artists and enjoy other venues that have art on display. The historic Town of Middleburg also offers a variety of shopping and dining options.
“The Town of Middleburg provides the perfect setting for visitors to view the large variety of paintings, photography and sculptures that will be on display at Art in the Burg,” said Director of Business & Economic Development Jamie Gaucher. “We are honored to host the talented artists from Middleburg and surrounding areas.”
Art lovers can also visit the National Sporting Library & Museum (102 The Plains Rd.) to view “A Sporting Vision: The Paul Mellon Collection of British Sporting Art” until July 22. Visit www.nationalsporting.org or call 540-687-6542 for additional information.
For additional information about Art in the Burg, please contact the Middleburg Town Office at 540-687-5152.
http://www.visitmiddleburgva.com/Art in the Burg
2018 Middleburg Annual Arts Celebration – “Art in the Burg”
Saturday, May 19, 2018 from 10-4pm
Over 20 local and regional artists offering their artwork for sale along Madison St. in the center of town.
Music provided by The Crooked Angels
Event sponsored by Town of Middleburg & Middleburg Arts Council
Open Late Concert Series
Bring your lawn chairs or a blanket and join us the last Friday of the month, May – August from 6:00-8:00pm on the NSLM lawn for live music. Concessions and cash bar available. Also enjoy free admission to our museum! The May 25 concert will feature The Butchers Family Band, playing traditional country and bluegrass, and is in partnership with the Highland School and the Middleburg Human Foundation. No rain date. No outside alcohol.
http://www.nationalsporting.orgMemorial Day Weekend
Come for the weekend! Wineries, restaurants, galleries, studios, shops and a nursery welcome you with exhibitions, workshops, entertainment, dining, tastings and special offers. Enjoy this holiday weekend on the Rappahannock County Artisan Trail. Reserve a room at one of our fabulous B&B’s and stay a while!
https://rappahannockcountyartisantrail.com/Delaplane Strawberry Festival
Bring the whole family and enjoy a fun and festive day in the Virginia countryside at Sky Meadows State Park. Enjoy crafts, games, tours and much more!
Pack your own picnic or snack on festival fare and strawberry sundaes. Make a whole day of it, and don’t forget to take home a flat of delicious fresh strawberries.
The festival is put on by Emmanuel Episcopal Church and proceeds fund outreach ministries within the church and grants to worthy organizations in our local community, state and beyond.
Narmada Winery Memorial Day Weekend Saturday May 26th – Monday May 28th
Our Memorial Day Weekend Celebration will feature live music on Saturday, 2-5pm by singer/songwriter Aubrey Driggers, Sunday 2-5pm by Doug Parks’ blues duo.
Complimentary tastings for Military Personnel-just show us your ID! Delicious food pairing, cornhole and more! Full food menu available all weekend.
HOURS: Saturday 11am-7pm, Sunday 11am-6pm, Monday 11am-5pm
Delaplane Strawberry Festival 5k Race/Walk
Get rejuvenated on the trails during the Delaplane Strawberry Festival 5k race/walk. Organized by On the Run Sports, this race is for all ages and includes prizes for overall winners and each 10-year age group, and race t-shirts guaranteed to those registered by May 16. After the race, all registrants and their families receive free entry to the Delaplane Strawberry Festival. Registration for runners and walkers is $25 through 11 p.m., May 20, and $30 thereafter.
Arrive at 8 a.m. You must present your Active registration information at the event gates for entry. The race and walk start simultaneously at 9 a.m.
For more information, and to register, go to: https://tinyurl.com/y9h5peo5.
June 2018
Clean the Bay Day and National Trails Day
Clean the Bay Day–10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Learn how fences, tree plantings and trail maintenance improve water quality with our interactive watershed model. Gap Run, which flows through Sky Meadows, originates from a mountain spring. Positive water quality measures practiced at the park prevent contaminants from entering the water as it heads toward the Chesapeake Bay. Stop by our Explorer Outpost table off of the Boston Mill Road Trail to discover ways we can all keep the Bay clean.
Help us partner with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. At the Outpost, grab a plastic bag and gloves and help us keep Gap Run and the Bay clean by picking up trash along your hike. Trash can be returned to the Outpost by 1 p.m., or at the Visitor Center before 4 p.m.
National Trails Day–10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Get your hands dirty on National Trails Day. Eroded trails sweep excess dirt into streams. Fine particles of silt clog the gills of fish and deprive smaller creek dwelling organisms of oxygen. In 2017, the park re-routed Gap Run Trail to mitigate this issue. Join us in repairing erosion along the old Gap Run route. Meet at the Backcountry Trailhead at 10 a.m. and bring gloves, plenty of water, and wear bug spray and sun protection. Tools will be provided.
13th Annual Western Loudoun Artists Studio Tour
The Western Loudoun Artists Studio Tour offers a weekend of art, shopping, and relaxation. Meet more than 60 talented artists as you wind through the scenic countryside and historic villages of western Loudoun County. Enjoy paintings, pottery, jewelry, photography, fiber, sculpture, and more!
Take this unique opportunity to talk personally with the artists, purchase artwork, view demonstrations and exhibits, or win a door prize! And the best part: it’s all FREE!
http://www.wlast.orgBook Signing at Morven Park by Award-winning Novelist
Award-winning and bestselling author Jessica James will be signing copies of her latest Civil War novel, The Lion of the South at historic Morven Park in Leesburg, Va., on June 2, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
James’ books have won more than a dozen national literary awards, including a Readers’ Favorite International Book Award. She is also a two-time winner of the coveted John Esten Cooke Award for Southern Fiction, and has received critical acclaim for her earlier Civil War novels, Shades of Gray and Noble Cause.
The book signing will be held on the steps of the historic Westmoreland mansion at Morven Park, which is featured on the cover of The Lion of the South.
Visit www.jessicajamesbooks.com to learn more about this author,
http://www.movenpark.orgSunday Sketch
Join us for a free sketching session in the Museum! Artists of all ages are invited to sketch alongside local artist and art instructor Teresa Duke. Materials are provided.
Please contact Anne Marie Paquette, the Clarice & Robert H. Smith Educator, to register for this program: APaquette@NationalSporting.org, (540) 687-6542 ext. 25
The Myth and Mystery of the “Vanderbilt Coach”
Learn about NSLM’s early 20th century silver coach and four through letters, photos, and newspaper clippings spanning the last hundred years. Claudia Pfeiffer, the George L. Ohrstrom, Jr. Curator of Art, will give guests a peek into the drama and personalities of Gilded Age coaching. For more information or to RSVP contact Anne Marie Paquette, 540-687-6542 ext. 25 or APaquette@nationalsporting.org
www.nationalsporting.orgCivil War Paddle
Join Friends of the Rappahannock (FOR) and National Park Service Supervisory Historian Greg Mertz Saturday, June 9, for a daylong canoe trip, highlighting many of the Civil War sites along the Rapidan River. We’ll float from Germanna Ford to Ely’s Ford, through rapids, past eagle nests and have lunch on a sandbar. Bring a bag lunch, sunscreen and plenty of water. Meet at the Ely’s Ford boat ramp at 8 a.m., 4.5 miles north of Route 3 on Route 610. We will arrive back at Ely’s Ford at approximately 4 p.m., depending on water flow. This trip fills FAST, so register early. Minimum age is 12 years and this is a strenuous, ALL-DAY event. The cost is $50 individual/$150 group of 3 or 4 ($40/$120 for FOR members). Please pre-register at https://www.riverfriends.org/event/civil-war-paddle/
https://www.riverfriends.org/event/civil-war-paddle/Fabulous Frontier Art Entertainment & Runway Show
Seeking Stars Art (SSA) Presents “Fabulous Frontier” — Art Entertainment & Runway Show
Doors open at 5pm – Arrive early for best Runway Show seating and VIP options
– Meet local and international artists & designers
– Witness a full art immersion runway show with talented runway models and performers
– Shop handmade, art-inspired products and support the arts
– Watch live performances in a charming country setting
– Enjoy light hors d’oeuvres and refreshments and…”Art party” the night away!
Ticket prices includes all food, drinks and entertainment. VIP reserved runway seating option available. Free for children under 10.
Dress in show colors of Black and Silver, or go all out with the galaxy theme – costumes welcome!
All the Fine Art on display will be available for sale in The Dairy Barn Gallery through the end of June.
MajGen Randall West, USMC(Ret) to speak on local military hero, Presley Neville O’Bannon (1776-1850)
Marshall, May 20, 2018 – The Fauquier Heritage and Preservation Foundation announces a talk by General West on Saturday, June 10, 2018, 3:00 PM at the Robert L. Sinclair Education Center, 4118 Winchester Road, Marshall, Virginia. General West will speak on the history of local military hero, Presley Neville O’Bannon, a first lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps, who is famous for his exploits in the First Barbary War (1801-1805). Lieutenant O’Bannon led the successful attack at the Battle of Derna in Libya on April 27, 1805, giving the Marines’ Hymn its line “to the shores of Tripoli” and became the first man to raise a United States flag over foreign soil in time of war. O’Bannon was born in Marshall, Fauquier County, in 1776. He is known as “the hero of Derna.”
Movie Night with Magic Lantern
Join us for Movie Night at the Vineyard, produced by Magic Lantern Theatre, a non-profit organization that provides the films and equipment for outdoor screenings.
Get here early to set up your picnic on the lawn and enjoy some fabulous Veramar wine.
The movie will start at dusk (about 9 pm)
Cost is $8/person. Tickets available at magiclanterntheater.org/films or at the gate.
http://www.veramar.com/scripts/eventPg.cfm/_/804/Movie-Night-with-Magic-Lantern/Narmada Winery Fathers Day Weekend – Saturday June 16th and Sunday June 17th
Celebrating Fathers Everywhere!
Live music on Saturday and on Sunday. Complimentary wine tasting for Dads all weekend! Enjoy your favorite Narmada wines while fishing with Dad at our stocked Lake by the Pavilion.
Hours: Saturday 11am-7pm, Sunday 11am-6pm
http://narmadawinery.com/dir/?page_id=31Virginia State Parks History and Culture: Civil War to Civil Rights
From separation of families during slavery in the mid-1800s, to children without local schools in the mid-1900s, Sky Meadows’ history is rich in stories of African American’s experience in the Crooked Run Valley. Join staff and volunteers for special tours of the park’s Historic Area to see, hear, taste and touch these stories. Tours begin every half hour at the front porch of Mount Bleak House.
http://www.dcr.virginia.gov/state-parks/park-events-list?srchloc=SK&eventtype=all&BDate=02/12/2018&EDate=02/12/2019Open House Tour and Ice Cream Party
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, Inc. invites the community to attend an Open House and tour of their facility at 2050 Lambs Road, Charlottesville, VA from 2-4 pm on Saturday, June 16, 2018. In 2017, Loaves and Fishes helped feed an average of 4,924 individuals in the community each month (1,467 low-income households), by distributing more than 2.3 million pounds of free food, which averaged 40 pounds–or 11 days of food–per person per visit. Four days every week, Loaves and Fishes offers the “client choice” model of food distribution, which lets those in need select the best food for dietary restrictions and foods their families will eat, while adding dignity to the process of seeking aid.
To attend the Open House, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/myevent?eid=46229308105. For more information on volunteering, donating, or receiving food, call or email Jane Colony Mills at 434-996-7868 or executivedirector@cvilleloavesandfishes.org, or visit our website: www.cvilleloavesandfishes.org.