South elevation of Belmont from the Long Walk rose arbor. Photograph courtesy of the author and Gari Melchers Home and Studio, University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg
Piedmontians love their gardens! And why not, in this beautiful area of the world? This year, for our garden issue, we are bringing our readers some Piedmont gardens that are landscaped with significant use of plants native to Virginia.

The 36-year Journey: Fallow Farm Fields Transformed Into Native Plant Oasis. Debbie Eisele takes us into the native woodland groves of Fran and Andrew Boninti, just outside of Charlottesville. The Bonintis have been landscaping their property for over 36 years, growing plants from cuttings and transforming fallow farm fields to an oasis for people and wildlife. Photo courtesy of Fran Boninti
Read the full article in the March/April 2017 issue

Form and Function: Uniting Beauty and Sustainability. John Magee is a naturalistic landscaper in Loudoun county who shows us three gardens he has designed using eco-friendly, sustainable, pollinator-friendly plants and methods. He believes that landscapes should not only be ornamental, but useful to the environment and wildlife. Photo by John Magee
Read the full article in the March/April 2017 issue

Gari Melchers’ Belmont: Historic Gardens Preserved. Beate Ankjaer-Jensen, cultural resource manager at Gari Melters Home and Studio, shows us the preservation efforts for the property’s historic gardens. Photo courtesy of Beate Ankjaer-Jensen and Gari Melchers Home and Studio, University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg.
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