via — The Virginia Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services Press Release
Submit a photo taken at a local farmers’ market for a chance to win valuable prizes!
Because the popularity of Farmers’ Markets in Virginia continues to grow; because they provide the public with ready access to high quality, locally grown farm products and more; and because Farmers’ Markets are good for the economy and for communities across the Commonwealth, Governor Bob McDonnell has recognized the week of August 7 – 13, 2011, as Farmers’ Market Week in Virginia.
As an extra added enticement, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) is sponsoring a photo contest with prizes in four categories: children, youth, adults and a special prize for the most photographed market. Contest details are available at

Matthew J. Lohr, VDACS Commissioner, commented that farmers’ markets have seen dramatic growth in Virginia in the last few years, from 88 markets in 2004 to around 200 in 2011. “New farmers’ markets are popping up all over the place,” he said, “which is why we say there are around 200 today. As consumers read this, a new market may be opening in their area. The newest one we know about is the market at the Olde Dominion Agricultural Complex in Pittsylvania County that opens August 6.” He added that it doesn’t matter if a market is an established tradition in the neighborhood or just opened this summer, it’s still a great place to find Virginia Grown tomatoes, fresh eggs and cheese, plants and herbs acclimated to the specific micro climate, homemade strawberry jam or a chat with neighbors and friends. He says many people like farmers’ markets because they can talk to the person who grew, produced or processed the fresh, delicious food they came to buy.
The fresh fruits and vegetables sold at farmers’ markets are grown nearby, minimizing the time it takes to move them from field to fork and maximizing their time-sensitive flavors and nutrients. This means buyers get a bonus of taste and nutrition with every produce purchase. Farmers benefit from the markets’ readymade sales outlets and the opportunity to increase their financial returns by selling directly to buyers.
Lohr says that the continuing growth of Virginia farmers’ markets helps maintain agriculture as the Commonwealth’s number one industry with an economic impact of $55 billion annually and 357,000 jobs to its credit. “The markets also help sustain Virginia’s working farms,” he said, “and these provide green and open spaces and help preserve the high quality of life enjoyed by Virginians.”
As part of the Farmers’ Market Week celebration, VDACS is sponsoring a Photo Contest in three age groups, as well as for the most photographed market. The deadline is Wednesday, August 17, 2011, to send in an original photo taken at a local farmers’ market. Four winners, one child 12 or under, one teenager and one adult, will receive a prize package of Virginia’s Finest and Virginia Grown products worth at least $100. The farmers’ market with the most entries also will receive a special prize package. Complete details, contest rules and a release form are available online at
A copy of Governor McDonnell’s Farmers’ Market Week proclamation is available at Consumers will find a list of farmers’ markets throughout Virginia at, as well as recipes, a produce availability chart, a list of food festivals and much more. So log on, download the information, grab your camera and join the celebration of Farmers” Market Week August 7 – 13, 2011, at a market near you.
Elaine J. Lidholm
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services
102 Governor St.
Richmond, VA 23219
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services
102 Governor St.
Richmond, VA 23219
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